Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Larnaka Tourism Board

Official website:

Introducing Larnaka Tourism Board in the Context of European Programme Participation

Larnaka Tourism Board (LTB) was established in 2008 and is the official body representing tourism in Larnaka at a regional level. The Board is a collaboration of all stakeholders of Larnaka region tourism, which include, amongst others: the Deputy Ministry of Tourism; Larnaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Larnaka Municipality; regional Local Authorities, and the local Hoteliers’ and Travel Agents Associations. Due to the composition of the Board, decisions are taken collectively and implemented accordingly by a range of organisations or enterprises involved directly or indirectly in the tourism sector.

As the umbrella organisation of tourism in the region, LTB is responsible for coordinating the actions for the implementation of the Regional Tourism Strategy of Larnaka, and the Board undertakes various activities aiming to sustainably upgrade and enrich Larnaka’s tourism product.

The Board of Directors comprises of 12 Members (including the Chairman and Deputy Chairman) and 12 Deputy Board Members, all of whom are non-paid. There are two full-time personnel of the Secretariat, and there is also a wide range of permanent and ad-hoc external contractors.

LTB is currently participating in – and has participated in – several European programmes.