Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Solin Tourist Board

Official website:

Solin tourist board is a nonprofit organization whose main scope is destination management founded with aim to promote and develop tourism in Croatia and to promote and protect economy interest of individuals and companies that are providing tourism services or any other services related to tourism in Solin.

The goals and the activities of the tourist board are – Development and marketing of the destination based on the strategic documents – Ensuring whole inclusion of all specific local interests through buidling local intitiative and connecting the stakeholders on local level with aim of creating attractive tourism products – Improving tourist offer and infrastructure in destination and protection of natural and cultural heritage based on the princisples of sustainable development.

Based on the Strategy of tourism for period until 2025, due to the fact that Solin has enourmous cultural heritage with Salona, the largest roman archeological park in Croatia, Solin tourist board is making a great effort in creating and organizing events and products whose aim is to interpret and protect the heritage such as International historic cities congress, Solin winterfest, Romantic nights in Salona, International cartoon festivals and many other projects.